On the 29th November 2023 the Learning Disability Partnership Board had a board meeting.

The board was joined by Amanda Johnson who has been working on the new plan.

Amanda spoke about how the new plan was made and asked the board whether they would sign off the final version of the easy read Learning Disability Plan 2023-2028.

Board members agreed to sign off the easy read plan.

To read the easy read Learning Disability Plan 2023-2028

The non-easy read version of the Learning Disability Plan 2023-2028 will be shared on the Partnership website once it has been signed off by the Public Boards that the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board and Norfolk County Council report to.

This will be in 2024 and we hope it will be available by mid-March 2024.

This non-easy read plan includes the same information and wording as in the easy read version.

It will provide more details about all the actions being taken by the different professionals working with adults with a learning disability and their unpaid carer over the next five years.

This will help people living with a learning disability and their carer in Norfolk achieve what they told us they need to live a good life over the next five years.