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Norfolk Adults Learning Disability Plan 2023-2028

We are happy to share with you The Norfolk Adults Learning Disability Plan 2023-2028 This plan has been put together with the help of lots of people including people with a Learning Disability To see the plan click on the buttons below: The Norfolk Learning Disability Partnership wants to thank everyone who was involved.

Have you heard about Disability-Related Expenses?

This information is for adults who pay for care provided by Norfolk County Council.  If you or the person you care for: then you may be able to claim Disability-Related Expenses. Claiming disability-related expenses can reduce the amount you need to pay towards the cost of your care. To find out more visit This …

Upcoming Emergency Alert test on 23 April 2023

Government Emergency Alerts will warnyou if there is an emergency nearby. There will be a test on 23 April 2023. Your mobile phone will make a loud siren-like sound, even if it’s set on silent. This will last up to 10 seconds The alerts could be about local flooding, fires or extreme weather.

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